5 Live Moringa Plants- AS PKM-2

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PKM-2 was created by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University’s (TNAU) Horticulture Research Station in southern India. Due to it’s broad soil adaptability, suitability for regions with shorter growing seasons and colder climates, and rapid replacement of 60 percent of the old long-lived (perennial) Moringa species, this variety revolutionized the food production industry in India. As annuals, this variety has distinct advantages over perennial species because it can produce for four to five years before needing to be replaced.
PKM-2 has a seedpod with more flesh than seeds and more lateral branching, which is desirable for increased leaf production and easy hands reach.

It creates long pods with a girth of 8.40 cm that are between 125-130 cm long. Each of these pods weighs about 280 g on average. The fleshy, good-quality pods are great for cooking. According to the scientists who created this variety.

Compared to other varieties the new annual Moringa has produced 91% more fruits per tree. It produced 71.58 % more pods than other varieties in terms of weight. This variety blooms in about 110 days, and between 170 -180 days after sowing, the first fruit harvest is ready. For the following four months, the trees will continue to produce fruit. The crop takes 210 to 240 days to mature from seed to seed.

Weight 500 g
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 9 in

1 review for 5 Live Moringa Plants- AS PKM-2

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    The PKM 2 variety of moringa plant I received was delivered with great care. It arrived in excellent condition, showing good growth. The plant seems healthy with good roots .Looking forward to watching it flourish in my garden!

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